Expected flight date: 01/18/2024
Horizontal flight distance: 0 meters
Expected flight time: 32.08 seconds
Flight altitude: 12 meters
Heading: West
Max flight speed: 0 m/s
Goal of flight: Pop-up Flight – Localization
Airfield: Same
As the rover has continued to ascend Mount Sharp, it’s found distinctive benchlike rock formations. Read More
The first trek of the agency’s largest, most advanced rover yet on the Red Planet marks a major milestone...
The 10 sample tubes being dropped on Mars’ surface so they can be studied on Earth in the future...
Imagery has come down from Mars capturing a recent fight in which the rotorcraft flew farther and faster than...
Exploring a sediment-rich location in this Mars delta offers tantalizing opportunities for the six-wheeler’s science team. Read...
Flight 59 Expected flight date: 09/16/2023 Horizontal flight distance: N/A (pop-up flight) Expected flight time: 142.94 seconds Max altitude: 20...
With a suite of new national and international spacecraft primed to explore the Red Planet after their arrival next...
Perseverance’s MEDA will help us understand how to prepare astronauts for a future on the Red Planet. Read More