Expected flight date: 01/06/2024
Horizontal flight distance: 358.3 meters
Expected flight time: 124.92 seconds
Flight altitude: 12 meters
Heading: West
Max flight speed: 7 m/s
Goal of flight: Reposition Helicopter
Airfield: Same
A new video of the helicopter’s third flight gives viewers the sensation of standing on the Red Planet and...
For the first time in its eight years orbiting Mars, NASA’s MAVEN mission witnessed two different types of ultraviolet...
Flight 61 Expected flight date: 09/29/2023 Horizontal flight distance: N/A Flight time: 129.69 seconds Max altitude: 24 meters...
With its recent 21st flight complete, the Red Planet rotorcraft is on its way to setting more records during...
The intrepid rotorcraft may head skyward again within the week. Read More
Flight 57 Expected Flight date: 09/2/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 204 meters Flight time: 120.12 seconds Flight altitude:...
For hobbyists and makers, 3D printing expands creative possibilities; for specialized engineers, it’s also key to next-generation spacecraft design....
Flight: 49 Flight date (no earlier than): 03/29/2023 Horizontal distance: feet 893.9 feet (272.5 meters) Flight time: 135.47 seconds...