Expected flight date: 09/29/2023
Horizontal flight distance: N/A
Flight time: 129.69 seconds
Max altitude: 24 meters
Heading: N/A
Max flight speed: N/A
Goal of flight: Pop-up flight
Airfield: Tau
Bill Allen has thrived as the mechanical systems design lead for three Mars rover missions, but he got his...
Do you like solving problems, working with other people, and making a difference? Consider a career in engineering! Read...
After completing the first sample depot on another world, the rover continues its hunt for Mars rocks...
The award brings NASA a step closer to the first robotic round trip to bring samples safely to Earth...
JPL’s Abigail Fraeman will help study the composition of Phobos and Deimos using instruments on the Japan...
The Mars lander’s seismometer has picked up vibrations from four separate impacts in the past two years. Read More
The agency’s Perseverance rover will establish the first sample depot on Mars. Read More
The six-wheeled geologist spotted the twister as part of an atmospheric exploration of Jezero Crater. Read More