Expected flight date: 09/16/2023
Horizontal flight distance: N/A (pop-up flight)
Expected flight time: 142.94 seconds
Max altitude: 20 meters
Heading: N/A
Max flight speed: N/A
Goal of flight: Pop-up flight
Airfield: Rho
Flight 72 Expected flight date: 01/18/2024 Horizontal flight distance: 0 meters Expected flight time: 32.08 seconds Flight altitude: 12 meters...
Do you like solving problems, working with other people, and making a difference? Consider a career in engineering! Read...
A new STEM-themed kit developed in cooperation with NASA-JPL is designed to spark kids’ interest in engineering...
The type of carbon is associated with biological processes on Earth. Curiosity scientists offer several explanations for the unusual...
Flight: 45 Flight date: No earlier than 02/22/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 1,614.38 feet (492.063 meters) Flight time:...
Even before the end of Ingenuity’s primary mission as a technology demonstrator, the helicopter showed that it...
Bill Allen has thrived as the mechanical systems design lead for three Mars rover missions, but he got his...
Cube-shaped snow, icy landscapes, and frost are all part of the Red Planet’s coldest season. Read More