Date of flight: NET Dec. 3
Flight duration: 52.22 seconds
Horizontal flight distance: 50 feet (15 meters)
Flight speed (horizontal): 10.0 fps (3.0 mps)
Max flight altitude: 46 feet (14 meters)
Flight goal: Reposition helicopter
The agency’s newest rover will use the first ground-penetrating radar instrument on the Martian surface to help search for...
Estimated to be magnitude 5, the quake is the biggest ever detected on another planet. Read More
Working with the Navajo Nation, the rover team has named features on Mars with words from the Navajo language....
Flight 64 Expeected flight date: 10/27/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 408.435 meters Expected flight time: 124.5 seconds Flight...
This week, the Perseverance team here on Earth hopes to make scientific treasure hunting history on Mars. Read More
The small rotorcraft made history, hovering above Jezero Crater, demonstrating that powered, controlled flight on another planet is possible....
There was a long delay between Flight 52 and Flight 53, and a deviation from the published Flight...
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